University of Chinese Academy of SciencesKavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences

Promoting the exchange of scientific ideas and pursuing knowledge in theoretical physics

The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (Kavli ITS) at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) in Beijing aims to become an international center of excellence in theoretical physics and related fields.

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Fuchun Zhang

Director, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences

Gang Su

Deputy Director, Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences


  • CONDENSED MATTER PHYSICS: the physics of matter in a condensed state, from magnets to semiconductors to superconductors and other quantum materials, and topological matter.
  • BIOPHYSICS AND QUANTITATIVE BIOLOGY: an interdisciplinary field to study biology by using more quantitative methods.
  • FIELD THEORY AND ELEMENTARY PARTICLE PHYSICS: describing the properties of and interactions between the elementary constituents of matter.
  • QUANTUM INFORMATION AND QUANTUM COMPUTING: applying fundamental properties of quantum mechanics to information and computing.
  • QUANTUM CHEMISTRY: a branch of chemistry in which quantum mechanics is applied to chemical systems.

At Kavli Institutes around the world, scientists explore the frontiers of science in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience, neuroscience and theoretical physics.

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