Quantum Discoveries

by Katie McKissick

The Author

Kavli Institute members have been busy studying mechanisms underlying both memory and degenerative disease. Take how researchers gained new insights into how short-term memories get stored for the long-term by peering into the minds of mice scurrying through virtual mazes. And speaking of making memories: another study revealed a key part of the brain that helps mice learn from their experiences. Meanwhile, researchers are starting to unravel how Parkinson’s disease can shut down smell. And Kavli Institute members have bred a new line of model mice that could help scientists dig into the root cause of multiple sclerosis – and possibly other degenerative diseases.

Kavli Institute members have been busy studying mechanisms underlying both memory and degenerative disease. Take how researchers gained new insights into how short-term memories get stored for the long-term by peering into the minds of mice scurrying through virtual mazes. And speaking of making memories: another study revealed a key part of the brain that helps mice learn from their experiences. Meanwhile, researchers are starting to unravel how Parkinson’s disease can shut down smell. And Kavli Institute members have bred a new line of model mice that could help scientists dig into the root cause of multiple sclerosis – and possibly other degenerative diseases.