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Materials for Quantum

Nanoscience Perspective

Materials scientists likely hold the key to unlocking the quantum computing revolution

Apr 20, 2021

Astrophysics Profile

A theory that could solve confounding cosmic quandaries and unite gravity with the rest of nature's fundamental rules

Apr 19, 2021

Billions of DNA fragments are circulating in our bloodstream. Now, researchers can use them to trace a disease back to its source

Apr 16, 2021

Neuroscience Research Highlights

Newfound ways of peering into cells help researchers unlock the mysteries of the brain

Apr 05, 2021

Astrophysics Research Highlights

While ultra-numerous and there for the taking observationally, galaxies have so far resisted attempts to squarely and comprehensively describe their origins and behaviors

Apr 01, 2021

A Kavli Institute-affiliated researcher takes us behind the scenes of the decades-long mission to overturn established physics by proving that protons can in fact die

Mar 18, 2021