The scientific enterprise thrives on the free exchange of ideas and perspectives. We convene people from different disciplines to unlock the potential of science and empower action. For virtual and hybrid meetings, we employ the latest technologies to connect people across the globe. The Kavli Foundation's meeting space is available to our partners and communities. For more information contact our events manager, [email protected].
At our headquarters in Los Angeles, The Kavli Foundation has the capacity to hold meetings for up to 80 in-person attendees, and also hosts the technology to integrate remote attendance. With a flexible meeting space and rooftop garden, it provides ample opportunities to host convenings that advance science for the benefit of humanity.
Convening Principles and Practices
The Fred Kavli Science Center (formerly Kavli Moen Gård) is the family farm and birthplace of Fred Kavli. Inspired by his values and cultural heritage, the Fred Kavli Science Center’s vision is to nurture curiosity and a passion for science in the local, national and international communities, along with fostering awareness of all that Fred Kavli and others from this region of Norway have contributed to society.
The Fred Kavli Science Center is located in Eresfjord, a village on the west coast of Norway.