Science and SocietyScience Journalism
Science journalism is an important facet of the public’s relationship with science.
Accessible, accurate and critical reporting of science and technology is crucial to society – from the public’s understanding and appreciation of science to government officials’ ability to make informed decisions using scientific evidence. We support journalists globally to learn critical skills that enhance their profession and we celebrate excellence in science journalism with the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards.

Science Editing Handbook
Written by some of the most widely celebrated science editors and reporters working today, the Knight School of Journalism Science Editing handbook provides insights, knowledge, tips, and resources for editors to meet the highest standards for quality of science journalism.
The Open Notebook
The Open Notebook’s Science Journalism Master Classes are designed to help journalists sharpen their skills and master their craft. With support from The Kavli Foundation, master classes are presented in a series of online lessons and free to journalists globally.
LEARN MOREAAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards
The AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards honor distinguished reporting on science by professional journalists throughout the world. The awards, an internationally recognized measure of excellence in science journalism, go to individuals (rather than institutions, publishers or employers) for coverage of the sciences, engineering and mathematics. The awards were endowed by the foundation through two gifts in 2009 and 2015.
See winners