Fred Kavli established the foundation exclusively to advance science for the benefit of humanity. In fulfilling this vision, our board of directors and employees work to ensure the activities of the foundation comply with the laws and regulations which govern us, and that we operate to the highest ethical, moral and legal conduct. As ambassadors of the foundation, and stewards of our founder’s legacy, we are guided by the foundation values and follow the policies shared here.
We are a participant in Glasspockets, a Foundation Center initiative that champions philanthropic transparency in an online world. Our Glasspockets profile is available here.
Approach to Philanthropy
Our philanthropy is conducted through a strategic mix of grantmaking and endowment to accelerate discoveries in basic research and to help science and society move forward together.
We do this through a specific process of identifying potentially transformative opportunities and then designing and supporting efforts that align with the strategic areas of focus in our three programmatic areas: Life Sciences, Physical Sciences and Science and Society.
In Life and Physical Sciences, we stimulate research in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience, neuroscience, and theoretical physics through grantmaking and partnerships. We also use a distinct endowment model that establishes research institutes in each of these fields globally.
Society and Science applies a similar approach to identify, design, and deploy methods to strengthen the relationship between science and society and engage the public in basic research.
We do not accept unsolicited proposals.
Our philanthropy is a strategic mix of grantmaking and endowment to stimulate basic research and to help science and society move forward together.
The Kavli Foundation operates with a distinct endowment model, which provides funding to establish Kavli Institutes that conduct basic research in the fields of astrophysics, nanoscience, neuroscience and theoretical physics. It also includes the AAAS Kavli Science Journalism Awards , a partnership with the National Academy of Sciences, and endowed professorships. While our endowment model is the primary way of fulfilling the foundation’s mission, we also have select strategic efforts we support that strengthen the relationship between science and society, including the Kavli Centers for Ethics, Science, and the Public, bolster the scientific enterprise, and celebrate scientific breakthroughs with The Kavli Prize. The Kavli Foundation endowment, when combined with our external partners, is defined as the Kavli Philanthropic Enterprise and is valued at $1.1 billion.